Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone e Andrea UngariPreface: Paolo De NardisIntroduction: Gianluigi Rossi Now in its tenth edition and featuring a redesigned cover and updated documentary sheets, the…
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Atlante Geopolitico del Mediterraneo 2023
Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone e Andrea UngariPreface: Paolo De NardisIntroduction: Gianluigi Rossi In the turbulent historical period marked by the Ukraine crisis and the raw materials crisis, European countries are looking…
Potere Blu. Geopolitica dell’Acqua nel Mediterraneo
Editor(s): Francesco AnghelonePreface: Paolo Sellari Synopsis: The rise in population and the growing industrialization of certain areas of the world—until recently disconnected from the Western capitalist system—have turned water access…
La Breccia di Porta Pia. Raccolta di Studi nel 150° anniversario (1870-2020)
Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone, Pierantonio Piatti, Emilio TironePresentation: Bernard Ardura Synopsis: After 150 years since the so-called “Breach of Porta Pia” and just over 90 years since the signing of the…
Atlante Geopolitico del Mediterraneo 2022
Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone, Andrea UngariPreface: Antonio IodiceIntroduction: Andrea Margelletti The Mediterranean remains one of the most socially and geopolitically unstable regions in the world. The COVID-19…
Roma A.D. 1870. Dalla Roma pontificia alla Roma liberale
Editor(s): Andrea Ungari Synopsis: Was making Rome the capital a necessary condition for the young Kingdom of Italy, or did it shape the very nature of the Italian unification process…
La Cooperazione interalleata durante la Grande Guerra
Editor(s): Luigi Scoppola IacopiniIntroduction: Francesco Anghelone The volume examines the theme of inter-allied cooperation during the First World War. Through a systematic review of the archives of the Historical Office…
Atlante Geopolitico del Mediterraneo 2020
Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone, Andrea UngariPreface: Antonio IodiceIntroduction: Andrea Margelletti The Mediterranean has long been one of the most unstable regions in the world from both a social and geopolitical perspective.…
Terrorismo di ispirazione religiosa. Prevenzione e deradicalizzazione nello Stato laico
Editor(s): Francesco AlicinoPreface: Roberto Mazzola Synopsis: It has imposed itself in the daily struggles of human experience, in the agenda of the global media circus, and…
Uniti si può: I valori dell’Unione Europea in tempo di crisi
Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone, Francesco Battaglia, Francesco Cherubini For several years now, the process of European integration has been showing significant limitations: the ideals that have always inspired a united Europe…