Editor(s): Luigi Scoppola Iacopini
Introduction: Francesco Anghelone

The volume examines the theme of inter-allied cooperation during the First World War. Through a systematic review of the archives of the Historical Office of the Army and an analysis of the most relevant bibliography on this topic, the authors have reconstructed the connections that were established among the Entente powers during the conflict. This study highlights the complex relationships that bound the Allies—united against Germany and Austria-Hungary, yet, at the same
time, rivals in the geopolitical reorganization of the post-war period. Alongside the points of convergence and cooperation, the volume also records the frictions and tensions that characterized relations among the Entente states. Far from offering a hagiographic reconstruction, this work instead presents a nuanced picture of the contradictions that tied France, Japan, England, and Italy together during the Great War.

Publisher: Rodorigo Editore

Year: 2020