Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone e Andrea Ungari
Preface: Paolo De Nardis
Introduction: Gianluigi Rossi

In the turbulent historical period marked by the Ukraine crisis and the raw materials crisis, European countries are looking at the Mediterranean with renewed interest, particularly in terms of energy policies. Nations such as Algeria and Libya are set to become increasingly key partners for European interests. Of particular concern is Libya, which, eleven years after Gaddafi’s fall, has yet to
regain unity, with various power groups maintaining control through the constant use of arms. This situation inevitably raises a number of critical questions for the international community, especially for Europe, given Tripoli’s strategic position along the migrant routes from Africa. On the other side of the Mediterranean, Turkey is asserting itself as a regional power, positioning itself as a mediator
between the West and Russia. In 2023, the Turkish Republic will celebrate 100 years of history: despite Kemalist reforms having led the country towards a secular and pro-European direction since the 1920s, Ankara today is experiencing a return to political Islam, driven primarily by President Erdoğan, alongside increasingly frequent violations of fundamental civil rights. Now in its ninth edition, the Geopolitical Atlas of the Mediterranean remains an essential tool for understanding these and other complex dynamics shaping the southern shores of our sea.

Publisher: Bordeaux Edizioni

Year: 2023