Editor(s): Francesco Anghelone, Andrea Ungari
Preface: Antonio Iodice
Introduction: Andrea Margelletti

The Mediterranean has long been one of the most unstable regions in the world from both a social and geopolitical perspective. Libya and Syria remain the most concerning countries, and in the short term, it is difficult to envision a solution that could restore peace and stability within them. The U.S. policy of disengagement from the region has gone hand in hand with increased Russian involvement and
presence: today, Moscow is a key player in the Syrian theater while also seeking to carve out a central role in the Libyan crisis. At the same time, regional powers such as Turkey, Iran, and the Gulf states are emerging, while Europe appears increasingly divided and incapable of developing long-term policies to address critical issues, such as migration, which directly affects it. What will be the future scenarios of the region? Which powers will emerge? What responses can be provided to the epochal phenomena reshaping the area? These and many other questions are addressed in the Geopolitical Atlas of the Mediterranean 2020, now in its seventh edition—an essential tool for experts and non-experts alike.

With an essay by Franco Cardini

Publisher: Bordeaux Edizioni

Year: 2020